Tuesday, February 28, 2012


As aspiring math teachers, Tommy and I wanted to use twitter as a way to get the class involved at home, but at the same time, be able to interact. We decided that it might be a cool idea to have a Twitter Problem of the Week, which would be a simple way to give the students something to work on at home, be able to discuss it over twitter, and then discuss the next day in class. For our example we posted a problem for an Algebra class:

#TPotW: y=cosx + 3. Graph within the intervals [-5,5]. Bring graph to class with at least 5 points labeled. Worth 10 pts. Good Luck! #Math

The students would just have to follow the teacher, and log onto twitter that night. For privacy reasons, the teacher would most likely not follow any of the students without prior permission. Either way, the students can "mention" the teacher or other students in a tweet if there were questions to be asked. Also, each problem would begin with the hashtag #TPotW (Twitter Problem of the Week) so that the tweet is easy to find.The students would be asked to try the problem, and bring the problem to class the next day. Whether the students get it correct or incorrect, the students would be graded on participation. After grading for participation, the teacher would then go over the problem with the class, and begin the next lesson or section.

We are not really sure if Twitter is the best venue for a concept like this, but we feel like it would be relatable and enjoyable for a class. Let us know what you think!

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