Wednesday, February 15, 2012

School Work

I woke up this morning with a splitting headache and sore muscles. My kinesiology class is about to get the best of me and these long days of class dont do anything to improve my mood :-( I never knew how out of shape i was until i started my kinesiology class and now i wish i never wpuld have found out. If i never have to do another lunge or push up ever again, i will be just fine.
While i was working on my german homework, Noah decided that he wantes to push the delete key on my laptop and he deleted over half of the assignment. Luckily, i had an autosaved copy from earlier and i only had to redo about a quarter of it.
I have a brand new nephew as of this past Saturday :-) His name is Brodie and he is so tiny!
My grandma is still in the hospital. She has been there since before Thanksgiving. She has had more than 5 surgeries. She had open heart surgery. And then her lungs started filling up with fluid and then she couldnt breathe on her own. She has been on a ventillator for a while now because she is not strong enough to breathe on her own. She had to have a tracheostomy. And she has a feeding tube. But overall, the doctors say she is doing better every day.
Well, i have to go for now... Off to math class!

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